Data Scientist Salary in the UK & Comparison with Salaries in India

Data Scientist Salary in the UK & Comparison with Salaries in India

Data Scientist Salary in the UK & Comparison with Salaries in India

Data science has emerged as a highly sought-after field, with professionals equipped to extract insights from vast amounts of data. As the demand for data scientists grows worldwide, this blog aims to shed light on the salaries of data scientists in the United Kingdom (UK) and compare them with their counterparts in India. With both countries harboring thriving data science communities, exploring the salary dynamics will provide valuable insights for aspiring data scientists!

Data Scientist Salary in the UK

The median salary of a data scientist is within a promising range. According to the survey, data scientists in the UK make an average annual pay of between £50,000 and £60,000. This number can change based on experience, industry, and geography is crucial. While data scientists in entry-level professions may start with wages in the region of £30,000 to £40,000, individuals in specialized industries like finance or healthcare may earn greater compensation. Additionally, due to growing demand and greater cost of living, locations like London, with its thriving IT industry, frequently offer bigger wage packages.

Top 5 Cities with the Greatest Offerings for Data Scientists in the UK

Here are the top five UK cities where data scientists may earn the most money—

  • London:

As the UK’s capital and a worldwide digital hotspot, London pays data scientists some of the highest wages. Data scientists in London may seek top compensation packages to meet the high cost of living because of the demand for data skills driven by several global corporations and startups.

  • Edinburgh:

Edinburgh, known for its vibrant IT industry, has a growing demand for data scientists. Many tech businesses, financial institutions, and research institutions are in the area, which helps to make the pay for data scientists competitive.

  • Manchester:

Manchester has seen rapid growth in its technology sector, attracting established companies and startups. With a lower cost of living compared to London, data scientists in Manchester can still enjoy attractive salaries while benefiting from a vibrant tech community.

  • Cambridge:

Renowned for its great university and technological developments, Cambridge provides good prospects for data scientists. Competitive pay packages result from the city’s research-driven environment and partnerships between universities and businesses.

  • Bristol:

Bristol has grown as a renowned tech and innovation hub in the UK, generating a supportive ecosystem for data scientists. The city has a significant presence in finance, digital technology, and aerospace sectors, which raises data workers’ wages.

Data Scientist Salaries Across Various Levels

The salaries of data scientists at various levels are broken down as follows—

Entry-Level Data Scientist: 

The median experience range for entry-level data scientists is 0 to 2 years. Their annual pay ranges from about $60,000 to $90,000. These professionals are often involved in data collection, cleaning, and analysis under the guidance of senior team members.

An intermediate data scientist:

Mid-level or intermediate data scientists with two to five years of experience can expect to make between $90,000 and $120,000 annually. Professionals have greater knowledge of machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling, and data analysis techniques at this level. 

Senior Data Scientist: 

Senior data scientists with more than five years of experience can expect to make between $120,000 and $250,000 annually. These experts are highly skilled in problem-solving, artificial intelligence, and data analysis.

A Comparative Analysis: Data Scientist Salaries in the UK and India

Comparison of Data Scientist Salaries in India and the UK


  • Compared to their counterparts in the UK, data scientists in India often make less money.
  • Indian salaries vary according to experience, region, and company size, among other elements.
  • In India, entry-level data scientists can anticipate earnings of between INR 5 and 10 lakhs and up to INR 20 to 30 lakhs per year for seasoned professionals.
  • The disparity in pay is largely offset by India’s significantly cheaper cost of living than the UK.
  • Despite paying less, India has a vast talent pool of data scientists and opportunities for career advancement.


  • The pay for data scientists in the UK is often higher than that in India.
  • Location, education, and experience all affect salaries in the UK.
  • In the UK, entry-level data scientists might anticipate incomes between £30,000 and £50,000 annually, while experienced experts may make over £80,000.
  • When comparing earnings, it is important to consider that living expenses are typically greater in the UK.
  • The UK has a strong data science sector with many employment options, cutting-edge technologies, and a competitive labor market.

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