Taking the GRE in 2020: The Peculiar Academic Year
It is but understandable if you are feeling at sixes and sevens about your aspirations of studying abroad due to this quicksilver pandemic. Everyone is playing it by the ear; you do not have to be one of them. It is actually possible to plan your GRE preparations and examination even in these tumultuous times. This “lockdown†will seem like a boon to you once I give you the POA. All you’ll have to do then will be to stick to it by yourself because there are no proctors around you in these times. So self-discipline is pivotal.
If you reverse calculate the entire admission process for Master’s in Fall 2021, you will see that the best time for taking the GRE would be sometime around the month of August/September. The reason being, the month after that will be utilized in shortlisting the right universities commensurate with your profile, including your GRE score. I allocate an entire month for this activity as it is the most focal step of the process, making it more intensive and exhaustive than one would assume. The next month would obviously be spent in arranging all the requisites for the applications and submitting them in the shortlisted universities. By adhering to this timeline, you would be able to meet the priority deadlines for most of the top universities and the probability of your being considered for scholarships will also increase.
Now that we have understood the application timeline, it becomes imperative for you to finish your preparations for GRE latest by August end. If you back calculate again, it is exactly 3 months from now, making it just the right time for you to jump into the GRE prep bandwagon. I can tell you with my extensive experience as a Verbal trainer that 3 months is the optimum time period for students to be ready for the test. However, considering that the colleges are closed and people do not have to travel to work, you will have substantially more time in one day that you will be able to spend in training classes/practice.
Considering all these processes, back calculations and, my experience, I can deduce with certainty that you are placed in the right time of the year right now to commence your GRE preparations. The even better part of the situation is that your GRE score will be valid for 5 years from the date of your test. So even if you were to postpone your plans of going abroad for your Master’s, you will still be ready with your GRE score and you would have utilized this lull period for taking care of one of the most crucial aspects of your overall profile.
So, do not waste any more time! Connect with me if you have any queries or need any kind of help with regards to your GRE.
Ms. Neelanjana Sarkar
Trainer & Counsellor
Imperial Overseas Education Consultants