Master’s in Germany
Germany is the third most popular destination among international students in the world. More than twelve percent of students at German universities come from abroad just like you. Germany is an attractive place to study and German university degrees are highly respected by employers worldwide.
A student who prefers to study in Germany for Masters should have a good academic background. Germany focuses its attention on the complete profile of an individual, but the major focus is on academic score of a student in his previous education to decide on his enrollment for higher education within the country. Instead of checking the individual scores of students as per their country education boards, Germany converts all scores on a German scale. German Grade calculator expresses Grade Point Average (GPA) on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the highest score and 4 being the lowest for a passing student. Any score can be converted into a German GPA using the following formula.
German GPA = 1 + 3 * (Nmax – Nuser) / (Nmax – Nmin) where,
Nmax = highest possible marks
Nuser = marks obtained by user
Nmin = lowest possible marks to pass
If the score is between 1 to 2.5 better are the chances of getting public universities of Germany.
Most of German universities have English as a language of instruction and some universities ask for German language proficiency.
The German language proficiency is broken in 6 levels, which are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The proficiency level asked by each university differs and students are advised to have a minimum B1 level proficiency before reaching Germany.
Most universities require only a Basic English Language proficiency like IELTS or TOEFL as a filter for applications. An overall score of 6.5 band in IELTS with a minimum of 6 band in each module is considered good for most universities. Similarly, an overall score of 85 in TOEFL with minimum 20 marks in each module is also considered equally good. Few universities also ask GRE or GMAT scores and these requirements can be checked in advance.
The reason students prefer Germany is because it’s Technically Advanced Country, lot of Automobile Industries have their Head Quarters in Germany and the best part is, low tuition fees in public universities. Public universities charge students as low as 200-300 Euros per semester which is very affordable. This makes it easy for students to study abroad and earn a degree from a reputed university. Germany also offers 1.5 year stay back option for students who have completed Master’s course.
Mr. Rahul Bhat
Senior Counselor & Trainer
Imperial Overseas Educational Consultants